Geki Atsu! Pachi Best
Release Date: 1/25/12
Price: 2000 yen
HOLD IT! You didn’t think that was it for Geki Atsu! releases, did you? Coming out this January, on the same day as the first two Drama euro releases, is Geki Atsu! Pachi Best. I’m not sure what the point is, considering that they released Geki Atsu! J-Euro Dai Ren Chan Senryoubako Version! last year, and that already served as a best-of album. But hey, never doubt Akiba Koubou’s ability to reuse “Zankoku” or “Sousei.”
I’m not entirely sure what’s up with this release, though. It was announced only very recently, despite the fact that it’s coming out later this month. Many retailers, including CDJapan, don’t even have it up for pre-order yet. It’s most definitely from Tokuma Japan, but I suspect it might be a limited release.
Pre-order at CDJapan.