Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 15 – Pre-release Info

Exit Trance presents Speed Anime Trance Best 15
Release Date: 4/4/12
Price: 1905 yen

15th release in the SATB series arrives on schedule this April. Let’s hope MK makes a glorious return to the series. 😀

Pre-order at CDJapan.

4 Responses

  1. Diziyyuki Says:

    Shouldn’t there be a “Complete Best” album coming out soon, if they gave enough crap?

    I miss their sub-series. We need another “UmaUma” or “CM Covers” album.

  2. DanceMaster Says:

    The last Complete Best came out in 2010 and we’ve had 7 albums since (including SATB 15). It just seems doubtful they’d release a CB3 at this point.

    That said, 2012 will be the 5-year anniversary for the SATB series, so I wouldn’t be too surprised if they had a special release featuring songs from 1-15. Then again, last year was the 5-year anniversary of the Exit Trance series and they didn’t do anything special for that :/

  3. Diziyyuki Says:

    I blame Miku for all this. -_-

  4. Doc-S Says:

    Since they barely have any trance arrangers left and Mayumi has moved on to do her own work as well as CAMRY then it looks doubtful they’ll put much more into the trance series.

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