kors k – Let’s Do It Now!! – Pre-release Info

Let’s Do It Now!!
Artist: kors k
Release Date: 6/4/14
Price: 1852 yen

Oh, this is quite a surprise. Kors k has appeared a couple of times on Exit Trance compilations in the past, but his last appearance was back in 2008. It’s just a little odd that Exit Tunes would give him his own album before someone like Starving Trancer or MK, but I guess the Bemani connection makes him more marketable. No track list yet, but 13 tracks are scheduled, and I’m sort of assuming at least some of them will be from IIDX. Bonus items include a cell phone strap, sticker, poster, and clear file. Retailer-exclusive bonuses have yet to be revealed. The official website has already launched, but is pretty sparse at the moment.

Pre-order at CDJapan.

One Response

  1. Doc-S Says:

    Very interested.

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