– A Geisha’s Dream

DDR XDance Dance Revolution X & FuruFuru Party Original Soundtrack
Release Date: 3/11/09 (Retail Version), 1/29/09 (Konamistyle Version)
Price: 3048 yen

The Japanese version of DDR X is out now, and someone graciously uploaded “A Geisha’s Dream” to YouTube:

Ahem. Let’s go back to what I said in my Party Around the World review:

And will someone please tell to stop using the words “samurai” and “butterfly”? It was cute in Doo-Be-Di-Boy, but it’s 2008, people.

It’s 2009 now. I like the song well enough, but it’s too lyrically, not to mention musically, derivative of “Butterfly.” There’s absolutely no reason for that. We’ve had at least one “Butterfly” retread per album, and it’s way past time for to move on. “Tokyo,” “Koko Soko,” and other songs have shown that it’s possible for them to do Japan-themed songs without resorting to cheap “Butterfly” callbacks, so please let “A Geisha’s Dream” be the last one.

One Response

  1. DJ Tomoe Says:

    But BUTTERFLY-esque songs attract weeaboos!
    Weeaboos = popularity

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