Vocalo Cho Mix 39 feat. Hatsune Miku
Release Date: 9/26/12
Price: 1714 yen
This second Vocaloid compilation from EMI features a non-stop mix of 39 songs. It’s priced much lower than Vocalo Dance, so there are fewer bonus features. You’ll just get a picture label CD and cardboard sleeve this time around. Animate are offering a fan featuring the cover art if you order from them, while Tsutaya will give away a special clear file.
As with Vocalo Dance, this is being marketed as part of the Dancemania series. Both Vocalo releases are now part of the official discography as part of the “Vocalo Series,” just above the Utattemita releases.
01. [2:29] Dye / AVTechNO! feat. Megurine Luka
02. [1:36] Senbon Zakura / WhiteFlame feat. Hatsune Miku
03. [1:30] Watashi no Jikan / Kuchibashi P feat. Hatsune Miku
04. [1:46] Pants Nugeru Mon! / TakeponG (Chom P) feat. Kagamine Rin
05. [1:09] III / AVTechNO! feat. Megurine Luka
06. [1:54] Okotowarishimasu / Satsuki ga Tenkomori feat. Hatsune Miku
07. [2:03] Maid no Hoshi kara S·O·S / Katahotori P feat. Kagamine Rin
08. [1:39] Maid no Hoshi kara Rendez-vous / Katahotori P feat. Kagamine Rin
09. [1:41] Aria / Toku P feat. Hatsune Miku
10. [1:56] Astro Looper / Satsuki ga Tenkomori feat. Hatsune Miku
11. [1:16] Douiukotonano!? / Kuchibashi P feat. Hatsune Miku
12. [1:56] Netoge Haijin Sprechchor / Satsuki ga Tenkomori feat. Hatsune Miku feat. Hatsune Miku
13. [1:24] Nightmare Party Night / Kuchibashi P feat. Hatsune Miku
14. [1:55] Run Up / Karokaro P feat. Hatsune Miku
15. [1:16] Arrow of Love / Toku P feat. Hatsune Miku
16. [1:38] Sei Border Knee-high Gakuen e Youkoso / Katahotori P feat. Kagamine Rin, Gumi
17. [1:53] Oshiete!! Nahou no Lyric / TakeponG (Chom P) feat. Hatsune Miku
18. [1:58] Acute / WhiteFlame feat. Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Kaito
19. [1:26] Ganbarouyo / Travolta feat. Hatsune Miku
20. [2:05] Nebula / Tripshots feat. Hatsune Miku
21. [1:48] Rin Rin Signal / Dios/Signal P feat. Kagamine Rin, Kagaine Len
22. [2:16] (c*’w’*c) Tear / AVTechNO! feat. Hatsune Miku
23. [1:51] Catch the Wind / TakeponG (Chom P) feat. Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin
24. [2:00] Circus / Nori P feat. Gumi
25. [1:39] Enclosure / Dios/Signal P feat. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len
26. [4:34] anger / Tripshots faet. Hatsune Miku
27. [1:54] Kokoro / Travolta feat. Kagamine Rin
28. [1:39] Drive Life / Nori P feat. Gumi
29. [1:25] Migikata no Chou / Nori P feat. Kagamine Len
30. [1:23] Omedetou / Travolta feat. Kagamine Rin
31. [2:01] Extended -Yukkuri- / Tripshots feat. Hatsune Miku
32. [1:10] Cantarella / WhiteFlame feat. Hatsune Miku, Kaito
33. [1:39] Cendrillon / Dios/Signal P feat. Hatsune Miku, Kaito
34. [1:32] Hageshii Shoudou / Karokaro P feat. Hatsune Miku
35. [1:46] Z Daze / Karokaro P feat. Hatsune Miku
36. [1:43] Spica / Toku P feat. Hatsune Miku
37. [1:33] Luka Luka*Night Fever / samfree feat. Megurine Luka
38. [1:39] Ia Ia*Night of Desire / samfree feat. Ia
39. [1:47] Megu Megu*Fire Endless Night / samfree feat. Gumi
Pre-order at CDJapan.