Akiba Koubou presents Utatte Mita Collection
Release Date: 7/24/13
Price: 952 yen
This is interesting. A majority of the Akiba Koubou presents Utatte Mita Collection singles that have been released over the past two years will finally see a wide release this July. The series includes singles from popular utaite like Kouhey, Yamadan, Hanatan, and many, many more. There are 15 singles in all, so collecting them all will cost upwards of 15000 yen, ouch. I wish they were a little cheaper, especially since they only have 4 songs each. Maybe they’ll at least release them digitally. A full list of available singles after the jump.
Update! (6/10/13): Additional titles have been added. Basically, all releases in the Utatte Mita Collection series will be available at major retailers.
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